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Who Are You?

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Audacious, bold and successful you!


Find your authentic self through identity and leadership and wellbeing coaching.


Welcome to a new way of being. Whatever stage you are at taking time to deepen the experience of understanding who you are will make your life a more rewarding and more fruitful. 


Transform your relationships and your career, break old habits and patterns, find your purpose and become your whole true self.


We coach from the inside out to support you in fully embracing your identity, enabling you to create a life with purpose and passion. 

This life you have is happening now and it's the perfect time to be yourself, fully.


About Jane

I’ve had a life and a career working with and supporting people. It is a great passion for me.


After a career in the arts and then a further twenty three years leading and developing women in business leadership, I trained as a coach, a movement psychotherapist and facilitator. 


I've since developed my own coaching programmes concentrating specifically on themes of identity, leadership and wellbeing. I am also now training as a counsellor and use both coaching and therapeutic frameworks to inform my work.


I am heart centred and compassionate in my coaching style and my approach but I am also direct and results oriented.


My coaching experience has included working within businesses, the NHS, education and CICs all focusing on themes of leadership, identity and wellbeing coaching.​




We support you to be the master of your own destiny and move you from fear and indecision to courage and change. Coaching supports you to move forward with your goals or make changes in your life with the confidence to challenge and change your perspective.


Life. It's an ongoing journey of change and transition. The deeper we know and understand ourselves, the greater our chances of creating the life we want and supporting ourselves during periods of transition.  Having a strong, robust sense of identity can empower us towards greater clarity and purpose, improved confidence and self esteem.​


Leadership comes from self and our wellbeing coaching programme provides an MOT both for your mental health as well as supporting you in five key areas of wellbeing. We embrace the knowledge of  both the mind and the body to uncover and empower new freedoms.


Find your purpose, your agency and take ownership of your life and how you chose to live it.



Group Coaching Programmes

Nicola - Group Coaching

“I was surprised how useful and effective four sessions of coaching could be.

Jane is an inspiring coach and the sessions were stimulating and fun.

I would absolutely recommend this programme especially if you are specific about what areas you want to change because one of the great take outs from this for me was that clarity about goals really is a big step towards the confidence in achieving them” .

Kirstie - Group Coaching


"I loved this course and I got a lot from it. I learnt more about myself and where I want to be which I haven’t had in a long time. I’m still a work in progress so feel the work has just begun. It felt a really supportive and safe space to explore myself.

I loved being in a group of women sharing the journey and I learnt a lot from them as I did from Jane.

Jane was insightful ,  kind and fun. There  was a good pace to the sessions and I felt heard and respected. The course had a good  structure that flowed us on from one point to another. I would definitely recommend this course".

Suzie - Group Coaching

"I found the programme really enlightening, it gave me a stronger sense of my purpose in life, getting me back in touch with my core values

It was a lovely supportive group. I found the sharing very useful, both for myself  and I found listening to others even more useful".


I consider it a miracle, a lottery win, that with zero knowledge or experience of coaching I have been blessed to have Jane as my guide and support on this journey of bringing my goals and dreams to life.
Using her incredibly holistic and empowering methodology she’s made accountability a non fear inducing exercise.
She has helped me to navigate my way through self doubt, uncertainty and fear in it’s many guises and supported me through a crisis of confidence. With Jane I feel totally supported and  committed to the process to making the fulfilling differences in all areas of my life.

Neil Allen

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